Not being as young as I was - and certainly less in body than mind - I set about taking on a few training rides in the months leading up to the event; I donned the Lycra and set off on a few ten, fifteen, twenty and thirty mile rides.

More effort needed I thought, so I set about a few more regular rides, a few more inclines and generally upped the exercise with a determination that I would enjoy the actual ride when the day came.

More effort needed I thought, so I set about a few more regular rides, a few more inclines and generally upped the exercise with a determination that I would enjoy the actual ride when the day came.
One weekend as my grandson got out of the car and I was about to set off for a ride in my "gear' he proudly pronounced, upon spotting me, 'Those are funny trousers granddad' to which my wife could do nothing but laugh at the three years old's observation!
One day he'll be old enough to understand that sometimes comfort comes at the expense of fashion....
Anyway, I thought I was progressing rather well until taking a ride out in the Surrey Hills with a couple of my more experienced colleagues, see picture, where upon one of whom shot off up the first steep hill like a 'mountain goat' leaving me puffing and wheezing like an old train!
More effort required I think.